December 24, 25, 26 and January 1 are public holidays, which are usually off days for employees. If an employee works on a holiday, double wages must be paid for the time worked. On a day before public holidays (December 23 and 31), the working day of all employees must be shortened by three hours.
Shortening the working day before public holidays, i.e. on December 23 and 31, is the employer's obligation. Shortening the working day does not depend on the length of the working day. For example, if a person only works part time for three hours a day, they do not have to come to work on the day before a public holiday.
If the economic activity of the employer does not allow the possibility to shorten the working day, an agreement must be reached with the employee to work on the day before the holiday as on a normal working day. If the employee agrees to this, the three hours not shortened on the working day before the holiday are considered overtime and are compensated according to the act either with paid time off or by agreement with 1.5 times the wages. The overtime of employees with cumulative working hours is determined at the end of the accounting period, and they must be compensated in the same way - with paid time off or by agreement in wages. If a worker does not agree to work full time on the day before a holiday, the employer may not force them to do so. Employees working according to the work schedule must notify the employer of their refusal no later than the moment they receive the schedule. If the employee does not express their refusal to the employer at that moment, then both parties agree not to shorten the working day, and the employee cannot later request a shortening of the working day.
For the hours worked on a public holiday, the employee must be paid double wages, regardless of whether they are paid monthly or hourly, or if they work on the basis of regular or cumulative working hours. If a worker's shift starts on a regular working day and ends on a public holiday, the hours worked on the public holiday must be compensated. However, the remaining hours worked on the same shift on the day before or after a public holiday will be paid in regular wages.
During business hours, you can get advice by calling the Labour Inspectorate’s helpline at 640 6000. You can also send your questions by email to [email protected]. The helpline will be available until 13:00 on 23 and 31 December. No counselling will be provided on the 24, 25 and 26 December and on the 1 January.
See more about working during the holidays at
The Labour Inspectorate wishes everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season!
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