Pursuant to the Working Conditions of Employees Posted to Estonia Act, employers are obliged to register employees posted to Estonia with the Labour Inspectorate before the employee commences work.
Previously, employees posted to Estonia had to register by filling in a registration form found on the website of the Labour Inspectorate and forwarding it to the Labour Inspectorate by email. Submission is now simpler and more user-friendly, thanks to the self-service of the Labour Inspectorate.
As of July 2023 posted employees must be registered in the Labour Inspectorate’s information system TEIS (iseteenindus.ti.ee).
In order to register a posting notice, the following data must be submitted in TEIS:
- the name, personal identification code or registry code, area of activity, details of residence or location and means of communication of the employer of the posted employee;
- the name and details of the means of communication of the contact person who represents the employer of the posted employee;
- the number of posted employees, their names and personal identification codes or dates of birth and numbers of their identity documents;
- the expected duration of the posting and the scheduled start date and end date;
- the name, personal identification code or registry code, area of activity, details of residence or location and means of communication of the contracting entity or contracting authority for whom the posted employee works in Estonia;
- the name and/or details of the means of communication of the contact person who represents the contracting entity or contracting authority for whom the posted employee works in Estonia;
- information regarding the area of activity in which the posted employee will be working in Estonia, and the address of the place in which the posted employee will perform the work.
To submit a posting notice, you need to go to TEIS at iseteenindus.ti.ee and click the button for submitting a posting notice. Next, you need to enter your email address, after which the information system will send you an access link, which is valid for one hour. The access link will bring you directly to the submission page of posting notices.
Should any data in the posting notice change, you must re-enter your email address to gain access to the self-service. The new access link will allow you to change the data of the appropriate posting notice. Changes to the data must be submitted before the changes take effect.
Additional information regarding employees posted to Estonia is available on the website of the Labour Inspectorate.
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