Safety culture
- Safety culture is formed by the constant values, norms, skills, attitudes and practices related to safety implemented in the organisation.
- Cooperation between the employer and employees is necessary for the development of safety culture.
- An organisation with a good safety culture has, among other things, more productive employees.

An enterprise’s safety culture is formed by the constant values, norms, skills, attitudes and practices related to safety implemented in the organisation. In simplified terms, safety culture can be formulated as follows: “The way things are done here.” Safety culture affects all aspects of work, influencing behaviour at the individual and team level, the design of the place of work, and the planning and performance of work. It is a significant part of everyday life.
The development of a safety culture is inevitable, but its development can be guided. This requires cooperation between the employer and employees. Involving both sides increases the likelihood that the agreed upon aspects will be implemented together.
For best results, the employer will consult with the working environment representative or, in his or her absence, with the employees in all matters of the working environment in relation to the following:
- improving the working environment;
- planning and organising instruction and training in the field of occupational health and safety; the selection and implementation of new technologies and work equipment; furnishing new places of work;
- provision of first aid;
- designation of employees responsible for carrying out rescue operations and evacuating employees.
- If possible, the employer takes into account the proposals made and involves the employees in the implementation of the plan.
The general attitude of the employer towards safety is also very important. Regularly addressing occupational health and safety at management meetings, dealing with and learning from hazardous situations, and demanding and implementing safe practices set an example for employees. This is especially true for new and inexperienced employees who, according to statistics, are involved in the highest number of occupational accidents. Personal example should also be taken into account. For example, if a manager goes to a production building where hearing protection is required, he or she also uses it.
Benefits of a good safety culture
- An organisation with a good safety culture has:
- fewer occupational accidents than average;
- more productive employees;
- less unforeseen downtime;
- a more stable staff;
- an easier time finding new employees;
- higher satisfaction with the working environment;
- a better reputation among customers and partners.